Bien podría ser que se esté aludiendo al célebre actor secundario Bob y que en la próxima entrega de "Los Simpsons" se ponga fin a su macabra acción criminal contra la vida de la familia americana, en especial de Bart Simpson.
¿Y quién descarta que sea el entrañable Abuelo Abe Simpson, que encarna la sátira del trato de las personas de tercera edad en EEUU? Esta decisión, aunque cruel, puesto que se trata de uno de los personajes más divertidos y significativos de la serie con un importante mensaje dentro, tendría lógica para continuar con la "línea emocional", que es el pretexto que los guionistas han empleado para justificar la desaparición del personaje en cuestión.
También cabe recordar que el pulso no les tiembla a los productores y guionistas cuando hablamos de acabar con personajes: Ya murió Maude Flandres, así como el músico de jazz Marty Encías Sangrantes o Mona Simpson, madre de Homer, por no hablar de todas las mascotas que pasaron por las manos de Lisa Simpson. También falleció la actriz que ponía voz a la famosa maestra Edna Karabapple, posiblemente terminando con el personaje que encarnaba.
Ya sea para hacernos reír o llorar, los guionistas de esta serie tienen un don, aunque es cierto que tras 25 años de éxito, es muy difícil mantener la calidad de los episodios y, evidentemente, se notan bajones en el nivel de genialidad de los capítulos, aunque siga siendo una serie con una trascedencia muy importante, de hecho ostenta el récord de la serie animada más longeva de la televisión.
La respuesta, el 28 de septiembre.
For more than a year ago, the producers of the legendary American sitcom created by Matt Groening announced that one of the most iconic characters will be killed in the next season. The scythe of death hangs over the skies of Springfield like the sword of Damocles. What character will we stop seeing? Since it was said that, logically, it would not be in the central family picture and that its actor had won an Emmy award for that character, many fans point at Krusty the clown, comedian and a long-lived television figure in the series, overall after it was revealed that the title of the chapter where the death occurs would be "A clown in the landfill."
It may well be that the alluded character is the famous Sideshow Bob and that in the next part of "The Simpsons" ends his grisly criminal action against the life of the American family, especially against Bart Simpson.
And who says it isn't Grandpa Abe Simpson, who embodies a satire treatment of seniors in America? This decision, though harsh, as he is one of the most entertaining and significant characters in the series with an important message inside, would make sense to continue the "emotional line" which is the pretext that the writers have used to justify the disappearance of the character.
Also worth remembering that the pulse does not shake to the producers and writers when it comes to finishing with characters: Maude Flanders already died, so as the jazz musician Marty Bleeding Gums or Mona Simpson, Homer's mother, not to mention all the pets who passed through the hands of Lisa Simpson. As well, the actress who put voice to the famous teacher Edna Karabapple passed away, possibly ending with the character she embodied.
Whether to make us laugh or cry, the writers of this series have a gift, it is true that after 25 years of success, it is very difficult to maintain the quality of the episodes and obviously, downturns are felt at the level of genius of the chapters, although it remains a series with a major transcendence, in fact it holds the record for the longest running animated series in TV.
The answer, the 28th of September.